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Group Embodiment Sessions

Pelvic Floor Session #4: Hips

Katie Glyer

In today’s session we focus on the hips, glute medius, sit bone movement, and the number place imbalances show up: walking! We return to the psoas once again for some deep listening and explore sit bone movement to relax pelvic floor tension.

This session is great for anyone who experiences low back pain, hip and SI joint issues, neck and jaw tension, and even upper back pain.

You'll need a yoga block, thick book, or step!

Did something you heard during this session resonate? Leave a comment below! And if you feel like you’d benefit from some 1-on-1 work, let’s schedule a private session where you can get all your questions answered and receive personalized recommendations.

Pelvic Floor Session #3: Psoas + Diaphragm

Katie Glyer

Today’s session focuses on the psoas and diaphragm (those lovely muscles that “interdigitate”) and how they support the muscles of your pelvic floor. Explore the way both of these deep core muscles move when you breathe, how to invite the psoas to function optimally, and why it’s important that it does!

This session is great for anyone who experiences low back pain, hip and SI joint issues, neck and jaw tension, and even upper back pain.

Did something you heard during this session resonate? Leave a comment below! And if you feel like you’d benefit from some 1-on-1 work, let’s schedule a private session where you can get all your questions answered and receive personalized recommendations.

Pelvic Floor Session #2: Deep Core

Katie Glyer

In this session, we explore a bit more of what it feels like to engage the pelvic floor, this time with a bit more nuance and figuring out *where* is weak and where is tense.

We'll also be focusing on the connection between the pelvic floor and deep core and why it's important to be able to connect with your deep core (hint: it's so that other muscles can do their job and NOT the job of your core)

What you’ll need:

  • pillow(s), folded up blanket, or bolster to sit on

  • journal to jot down notes, ideas, or impressions

Did something you heard during this session resonate? Leave a comment below! And if you feel like you’d benefit from some 1-on-1 work, let’s schedule a private session where you can get all your questions answered and receive personalized recommendations.

Pelvic Floor Session #1: Pelvic Respiration

Katie Glyer

Today we explored pelvic respiration, feeling the balance and difference between relaxation and contraction and why we need both. We practiced a modified kegel and I gave you my 3 intro tips to finding balance in your pelvic floor when you're engaging in normal daily activities (most of them had to do with going to the bathroom).

I'm excited to explore more core connection next week and talking about + feeling into why we need to learn to engage with the core rather than sucking in or worrying about your 6 pack muscles.

Did something you heard during this session resonate? Leave a comment below! And if you feel like you’d benefit from some 1-on-1 work, let’s schedule a private session where you can get all your questions answered and receive personalized recommendations.