Pelvic Floor Session #2: Deep Core
Katie Glyer
In this session, we explore a bit more of what it feels like to engage the pelvic floor, this time with a bit more nuance and figuring out *where* is weak and where is tense.
We'll also be focusing on the connection between the pelvic floor and deep core and why it's important to be able to connect with your deep core (hint: it's so that other muscles can do their job and NOT the job of your core)
What you’ll need:
pillow(s), folded up blanket, or bolster to sit on
journal to jot down notes, ideas, or impressions
Did something you heard during this session resonate? Leave a comment below! And if you feel like you’d benefit from some 1-on-1 work, let’s schedule a private session where you can get all your questions answered and receive personalized recommendations.