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Sanctuary | Winter Plant Guides

Winter Plant Guides

 “The beings of the natural world are our kin, our elders, and our teachers.” - Asia Suler

The plants that represent the energetics of Winter fall into a few categories:

  • Nervines and sedative herbs

  • Adaptogenic, longevity herbs

  • Dreaming, third eye opening herbs

  • Medicinal mushrooms

I’ve selected just a few to go deep with during the Winter season because sometimes (often) less is more. I find it more meaningful to cultivate a deep knowing with a few plants rather than a more surface-level relationship with many.

I invite you to choose one of these plants each month to work with closely. You can make tea with it, meditate with it, try it in a tincture, read about it, sit with it and feel into its energy, make skincare with it, add it to your food, or however else you can think of being and communing with this plant.

Each plant has its own page exploring its properties, energetics, symbolism, traditional ways of working with it, and even some writing prompts if that’s your thing. Click on each plant to explore its energetics, actions, and ways of working with it.




