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Plant Guides | Elder

 Elder: The Keeper of Boundaries & Restoration

Introduction to the plant

Elder (Sambucus nigra) has long been revered as a sacred plant in folklore and herbal traditions, symbolizing protection, healing, and transformation. Its deep purple berries and delicate white flowers embody balance—nurturing and restorative, yet powerfully protective. Elder is a quintessential winter ally, offering physical and energetic defense during this season of rest and renewal. In the winter, we’re going to focus on the medicinal properties of the berries since they’ll have just been harvested in the fall.

Energetics & Properties

Energetic Profile:

  • Taste: sour, slightly sweet

  • Temperature: cooling

  • Moisture: Neutral to slightly drying, supporting balance in damp or stagnant conditions.

  • Tension Spectrum: Relaxing; helps ease tension while promoting movement in the respiratory and lymphatic systems.

  • Tissue Tone: Mildly astringent, tightening and toning tissues, particularly in the mucosal membranes.

  • Herbal actions: antioxidant, anti-viral, immune stimulant and tonic, inflammation modulating, laxative.

Winter Relevance

Elder’s dual nature of protection and nourishment makes it a perfect companion for many of winter’s challenges. It aligns with the season by:

  • Fortifying the immune system during colder months. I consider the berries of Elder to be a deep acting immune tonic, somewhat like the immune tonics from Chinese Medicine (Astragalus, Schizandra, etc.). The tonic properties encourage nourishment, deep restoration and strengthening of the core immune system. Elder berry can be particularly unique in that it is equally stimulating and strengthening to the immune system. The berries also contain cyanogenetic glycosides which have been shown to have immunomodulant and antiviral activity .

  • Supporting respiratory health. Elder berry has an affinity for the upper respiratory system through its decongestant and expectorant action as it helps to clear upper respiratory symptoms such as postnasal drip and congestion.

  • Offering energetic protection, helping to establish boundaries, trusting our yes and our no, and create a sense of safety and security to relax into.

  • Taps us into our own wisdom. One of my herbal teachers describes elder like this: “The way I use it is for people that seem to have a difficult time learning from their life experiences, that need a degree of guidance within themselves… in short, they need an elder. Establishing a deep connection with this plant develops our internal ‘wisdom voice,’ that part of ourself that knows best.”

Practical Applications

Herbal Preparations

  • Tea: Use 1 tsp. dried elderberries in a soothing tea to support respiratory health and immunity.

  • Syrup: Elderberry syrup is a classic preparation for seasonal immune support. There are a ton of recipes available online, but I love this one Tieraona Low Dog wrote on the Mountain Rose Herbs blog.

  • Tincture: A few drops of elderberry tincture can provide gentle, ongoing support.

Plant Meditation

Brew a strong cup of elderberry tea or tincture in warm water. Have your journal with you and find a comfortable seat. Light a candle and take a few deep breaths. Notice first elderberry’s scent. Does it remind you of anything? Does it awaken any thoughts or emotions? Then take a sip and notice the taste. Where does the taste land on your tongue?

After a few moments, notice the way it feels in your body. What is your immediate response to this plant? Are there any specific areas in which you notice sensations? How does your breath change? Does your body relax or feel tense? Note what comes up in your physical as well as your energetic body.

Begin to notice the way the plant’s energetics unfurl in your body. Does it feel different after a few minutes than it did initially? Is there anything that surprises you about this plant or its energetics?

Tune into Elder’s voice. Does it have any wisdom to share? Any message? Sometimes this can come in the form of images, a single word, or simply a feeling or sensation. Notice whatever subtle shifts occur, even if it doesn’t make rational sense. Note it in your journal so you can come back to it later. Sometimes it isn’t until days or even weeks later that these plant messages make sense or reflect something that’s alive for us at any given time.

Ritual Uses:

  • Add elderberries to a winter altar as a symbol of protection and renewal.

  • Burn elder wood or dried berries in a cleansing ritual to create energetic boundaries.

  • Carry a small pouch of elderberries as a talisman for safety and spiritual connection.

Reflective & Spiritual Practices

Journaling Prompt

  • What boundaries do I need to create or strengthen to feel safe, supported, and nurtured this winter? How can I be my own elder and embody this season of the Crone in order to emerge in the spring with greater self-trust in my own wisdom?

Glimpse Practice

  • Imagine standing beneath an elder tree, its branches creating a protective canopy above you. As you breathe, visualize its energy wrapping around you like a shield, offering safety, restoration, and inner-knowing.

Precautions & Sustainable Use

Safety Notes:

  • Raw elderberries can cause digestive upset due to naturally occurring compounds that are neutralized when cooked or dried. Always prepare elderberries before use.

Sourcing Tips:

  • Harvest responsibly by taking only what you need and leaving enough berries for wildlife and regeneration.

  • Support ethical cultivation by sourcing elder products from reputable suppliers.

Closing Reflection

Elder invites us to find strength in boundaries and renewal in protection. Its grounding and nourishing energy helps us embrace winter’s stillness while safeguarding our well-being, both physically and energetically.