Embodiment Sessions (old)
You are on a journey to self, soul, and to uncover the vast gifts within you.
You are on a journey to self and soul.
Like the Selkie of Celtic mythology who had to reclaim her skin in order to return home, your process of embodiment is one in which you find your voice, wholeness, and creative power in order to reclaim your Self. You are on an Otherworld path of discovering your own unique way of being, speaking, loving, and living in the world.
While you may think you’re coming to me for pain, chronic tension, or digestive issues...while you might think you’re here because you’ve been grieving or struggling with anxiety, that’s not what this work really is. Although you’ll likely find answers to those things as well.
Embodiment is about finding your place in the world.
It’s about feeling into your voice, your pleasure, your needs, your skin and bones.
It is a becoming...A journey home.
You and I will weave new ways of being, break down old stories + beliefs, paradigms + patterns that exist within you. You will uncover truths and bring them back into the world.
I feel as though my intangible BEing has permission to be heard, felt, and seen through the medium of my physical body. There is a guided uncovering of the unknown, illuminating the way forward. A gentle encouragement to acknowledge the healer within. Katie's understanding creates solid ground beneath new stories while honoring the presence and weight of what has already happened. An allowing of a deep selfish love is felt. Katie is a sacred witness of sacred BEing. - Roxanne Butler
Immensely powerful, unique qualities, essential to living an embodied life, are buried and preserved in your body, like ancient treasures cast into a bog.
In this Embodiment process, along your Otherworld journey, you may come across your sacred work.
You might soften hardened edges + brittleness that have kept you trapped in a body that doesn't feel like YOU.
You could bump up against your darkest shadows, your own fiery ferocity, or deepest, most hidden emotions.
Your body speaks in its own unique way. During these sessions, I'll guide you to let your bodysoul speak. Our job is to listen, follow + understand this language using tools:
Visionary guidance
Therapeutic Movement
Energy work
Guided journeying
Talking to/through your energetic, emotional body
It's likely these sessions will be a combination of ecstasy, grief, joy, A-HA moments, clarity, confusion, and everything in between. Developing a relationship with your body and its immense capacity to feel is the most profound path to both self-awareness and fully immersing in what it is to be human.
How is it possible for the body to give us so much insight to the human + soul experience?
I'll give you the secret before we even begin...
Everything you'll ever need is already inside you.
These sessions will help you bring the knowings, wisdom, wholeness, and magic you have lurking deep down in your soul to a more tangible level – something you can actually start to work with.
Shall we dive in to discover these ancient treasures within?
Photo by David Brooks