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The Sage

Embodiment Sessions Shop

The Sage

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The Sage.png

The Sage


We will meet either in person at my home studio or via Zoom for these 5 Embodiment Sessions.* After each one, you'll get a recording of our session, along with a summary of the recommendations we discuss to integrate this work. Packages also include email support in between sessions to assist in your integration.

Why invest in a package of sessions?

Well, for one thing you save money when you invest in a package rather than single sessions.

More importantly, you get more out of our time together and more out of the time in between the sessions: integration time. This integration time is a lot like the process of disintegration and rebirth that caterpillars go through in a cocoon to become butterflies. We dismantle old paradigms and question old beliefs that are wired into your bodysoul during sessions, but that in-between time is where you get to practice, observe, and evolve and creates the container for the work we do together. 

*All sessions must be used within a year.

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