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Wild Mystic Mentorship

Connect with your inner Medicine Woman

embody your feral priestess...

Are you looking for new approaches to ancient tools for healing?   Ones that are naturally part of our souls’ make-up, but we’ve just forgotten how to tap into them? Are you drawn to the magical, the energetic, esoteric, and soulful ways of healing your body and connecting to your Wild Soul?

Often, the call to Soul Growth comes in the form of illness, trauma, addiction, or a general (sometimes heartbreaking) sense that you need MORE from life.  Unfortunately, many of us who feel this call don’t have the necessary tools, support, and TRIBE in order to do this work.  We need an apprenticeship, a guided journey, a circle of witches, mystics, medicine women, sister visionaries to travel with so that we aren’t alone, wondering what next step to take and what to do when the spiritual shit hits the fan.

If you're looking for this kind of container, it is time to embark on your Wild + Mystical mentorship!

In this 3-month school of mystery you will:

  • Learn the 9-Chakra system, how to work with it, and herbs to support each one
  • Gain practical wisdom to attuning your body and spirit to the rhythms of the natural world, our moon phases and seasons
  • Awaken your inner Wild Medicine Woman through Shamanic practices and Embodied Mythology
  • Receive tools to heal addictions, trauma, old patterns and behaviors that at one point served a purpose, and you are now ready to release
  • Learn about the way we hold emotions in our body in the form of chronic inflammation, pain, injury, and illness and how to work with and heal it
  • Learn how to work with your dreams and dreambody
  • Discover your archetypal make-up and perhaps even confront the shadow side of those archetypes
  • Discover the sacred within energetic and archaic wounds
  • Receive guidance in how to SHARE your visionary gifts with your community and the world

Most importantly, you’ll learn to understand + integrate the GIFTS from these journeys, wounds, and shadows.

What does your mystical training include?

  • Recorded classes, guided shamanic journeys, and facilitated group discussions
  • Journal prompts, rituals, and Sacred work to integrate the newly-discovered layers of your soul
  • 12 weeks of deep, playful + intensive training and guidance through your soul growth and expansion
  • Access to the hidden Wild Mystic Mentorship Portal and our secret Facebook tribe of Wild Mystics
  • Live gatherings to honor the Wheel of the Year
  • LOTS of amazing + transformational resources and articles to guide and support your journey of the Wild Soul

How much does this mystery school cost?

At $144, it's priced so that whoever feels called can step in. 

This apprenticeship is currently being reformatted and will be re-released soon! If you have any questions please email me or join my email list to stay up to date on Wild Mystic goings on.

Voices of The Wild Mystics...

"Katie is a true mentor in every sense of the word! The Wild Mystic Mentorship came into my life during a difficult time of transformation and allowed me the platform to deepen my relationship with the Goddess through discovery. I learned more than I could have imagined and Katie basically loved me back to myself with her gentle, playful guidance. The other women I met through the circle are like a tribe of sisters now and their wisdom and encouragement is such a valuable piece of my everyday life. The Mentorship was really the beginning of a new spiritual journey for me and I will forever be grateful for that gift." - CGB


“Empowered grace and inspiration to take a leap of faith in myself and the life I want to lead. That is what Wild Grace has given me. Wild Grace has given me the space and opportunity to be vulnerable and be my full self in a welcoming supportive environment. I have found more of my inner voice and have felt more confident in owning my truth. Joining the Wild Mystic Mentorship was an amazing investment in myself and I’m thankful for the other women I’ve come to know from it. Their stories continue to inspire me. I’m thankful to Wild Grace for all of this.” — Kristin Kissell, Health Coach + Dance Educator at Radiant Heart Coaching


“Having Katie in my community has lightened my heart. Learning, discussing, and exploring plant medicine, shamanism, and all things Goddess with Katie is so fun. She brings her passion with her everywhere she roams. I have found the Wild Mystic Mentorship to be a beautiful playground where I can explore ways of being–ritual, plant-crafting, meditation with a community of women who support each other. Oh, another thing, we play. To be a Wild Mystic is to dig deep into our experience on this Earth, clean out the cracks, and maybe even fall apart a little. And then we play, we play ourselves back into being.”— Jill Aiman, Licensed Massage Therapist & Energy Healer at The Feel Good Business