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Sanctuary | Winter Emotional Body

In winter, the Earth element in alchemy and the Water element in TCM share common themes of introspection, conservation, and yin energy. The Earth element grounds us with a sense of security and belonging while Water in TCM focuses on the depth, storage, and adaptability needed to thrive in winter’s cold, dark environment. It invites us to reflect, adapt, and connect with our inner reserves of strength. Together, these perspectives emphasize a time for stillness, replenishment, and preparation for future growth, offering resilience in the face of change and the courage to flow through life’s challenges, anchored in trust and clarity.

The Emotional Gifts of Earth and Water

The Earth and Water elements offer unique yet complementary gifts that support emotional balance and resilience. Each element brings its own qualities to the emotional landscape, and when they work together, they help us feel both anchored and adaptable, stable yet fluid.

Earth’s Emotional Gifts

  • Stability and Security: Earth provides a grounded center, offering a sense of calm and safety even amidst uncertainty. It is our center.

  • Nourishment: Emotionally, Earth is the caretaker, teaching us how to nourish ourselves and others through connection, compassion, and trust.

  • Belonging: The Earth element reminds us that we have a place in the world, fostering a sense of home within ourselves and our relationships.

  • Balance: Earth offers emotional steadiness, helping us find equilibrium when life feels overwhelming or chaotic

Water’s Emotional Gifts

  • Reflection and Introspection: Water invites us to dive into the depths of our emotions, accessing inner wisdom and clarity.

  • Adaptability: Like a river navigating its course, Water teaches us to flow with life’s changes and challenges.

  • Resilience through Courage: In TCM, the Water element, governed by the Kidneys, is linked to willpower and the ability to face fears. It helps us find strength in uncertainty.

  • Connection to the Unknown: Water is the element of mystery and depth. It represents the great void, the well of regeneration, encouraging us to embrace uncertainty and trust the process of transformation.

Together, Earth and Water balance one another. Earth provides the grounding and containment for Water’s fluidity, ensuring emotional depth doesn’t become overwhelming. Water nourishes Earth, bringing adaptability and flow to its steady foundation. This dynamic creates a powerful emotional synergy that helps us face life’s challenges with calmness and courage.

How Earth and Water Interact

The Earth and Water elements work together in a delicate balance, each enhancing the other’s gifts. Earth provides the structure and stability that allows Water to flow without overwhelm, while Water nourishes and revitalizes Earth, preventing it from becoming stagnant or rigid. Together, they create a dynamic synergy: Earth grounds us, while Water encourages adaptability and emotional depth.

This interplay is reflected in the emotional body as the ability to feel steady and secure while navigating life’s uncertainties. The grounding energy of Earth supports us as we explore the depths of Water, fostering resilience, courage, and clarity in the face of change and the Unknown.

The Kidney and Bladder’s Role in Emotional Balance

The Kidney and Bladder organs, governed by the Water element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, play a profound role in our emotional landscape. They are not just physical organs but energetic reservoirs that influence our deepest emotions, our resilience, and sense of stability.

Kidneys: The Root of Willpower and Vitality

  • Reservoir of Jing (Essence): The Kidneys store Jing, our essence, which sustains our physical and emotional endurance.

  • Courage and Willpower: Emotionally, strong Kidneys are associated with willpower and the ability to face fears. They provide the inner strength needed to navigate life’s challenges with courage and determination.

  • Fear and Trust: When Kidney energy is balanced, we experience a deep sense of trust and security, grounding us in the face of uncertainty. Imbalances may manifest as fear, anxiety, or insecurity.

Bladder: Releasing and Letting Go

  • Flow and Release: The Bladder acts as a channel for releasing what no longer serves us—emotionally and physically. It supports the process of letting go, making space for new growth and clarity.

  • Boundaries and Protection: Energetically, a balanced Bladder helps establish healthy boundaries, both emotionally and in relationships. It teaches us when to hold on and when to release.

  • Support in Times of Change: During periods of transition, the Bladder helps us process emotions and release past attachments, promoting emotional resilience.

Interplay Between Kidney and Bladder

The Kidneys provide the deep well of strength and endurance needed for emotional resilience, while the Bladder facilitates the flow and release necessary for emotional clarity and transformation. Together, they harmonize the Water element, grounding us in our inner reserves while supporting emotional adaptability.

Practical Applications and Reflection Practices

The gifts of the Earth and Water elements, as expressed through the Kidneys and Bladder, invite us to integrate grounding, renewal, and emotional balance into our daily lives. Through mindful awareness and reflective rituals, we can embody the stability of Earth and the adaptability of Water. Please note that you don’t need to do all of these (or any of them). They’re each simply an invitation. Notice which calls to you AND notice if you have any resistance around any of them. Don’t force anything, but compassionately explore that resistance if it comes up.

Embodying the Gifts of Earth and Water

Grounding Practices:

  • Do the Great Mother practice from our opening call (starts around 37:30).

  • Take a walk, focusing on the sensation of your feet connecting with the ground.

  • Nourish your body with warming, nutrient-dense foods like root vegetables and broths to align with Earth’s grounding energy.

Fluidity Practices:

  • Practice gentle movement like yoga or qigong to encourage the flow of energy and emotions.

  • Incorporate free-writing/brain dump writing as a way to process and release emotions. Just get out a paper and pen and write whatever comes up. It doesn’t need to make sense, you don’t even need to be able to read your words. Just write until you run out of space.


  • Practice diaphragmatic breathing to connect with the Kidneys’ energy and foster calm. Inhale, focusing on expanding your ribs in all directions. Exhale, release fully.

  • Visualize each exhale as a release of fear or tension, and each inhale as a renewal of courage and clarity.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What am I holding onto that no longer serves me? How can I create space for renewal and trust in my life? Try to be really honest with yourself here. Let go of “shoulds” or any external expectations.

Seasonal Foot Soak Ritual for Releasing and Grounding:

  • Light a candle and sit quietly with your feet in a bowl of warm water infused with grounding herbs like burdock or mugwort.

  • Reflect on what you wish to release while you soak your feet and, with intention, pour the water outside, visualizing that energy being returned to the earth for transformation.

Balancing Earth and Water in Daily Life

  • Restore with Rest: Honor your body’s need for rest and reflection, particularly in the winter months.

  • Set Boundaries: Reflect on your emotional boundaries, releasing any habits or relationships that deplete your energy. Get clear on your yes and no.

  • Connect with Your Inner Reserves: Reflect on where your sense of strength and resilience comes from. Ask yourself: What practices, relationships, or beliefs help me feel supported and replenished? How can I nurture these sources of inner vitality?

Closing Reflection

The Earth and Water elements come together to create a powerful foundation for emotional and spiritual balance. Earth offers grounding, stability, and nourishment, while Water invites introspection, adaptability, and renewal. Together, they teach us how to stand strong and flow freely, navigating life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

As you move through this season, when this elements are at their most active, allow them to guide you. Ground yourself in what brings stability and trust, and let go of what no longer serves. Allow as much surface level “stuff” as possible to fall away. Embrace the courage to explore your depths, trusting that within you lies the strength to adapt and grow.

“I am rooted and resilient, steady yet fluid. I trust my inner strength and embrace the wisdom of life’s rhythms.”

NOTE: It’s important to remember that while we explore deeply these elements in the winter, they’re always a part of our physical, emotional, and spiritual make-up. They’re especially present this time of year, but they always with us, always informing our layers of being.