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Samhain 2018

Samhain 2018 Wild Medicine Bundle

The veil thins for the second time of the year at Samhain, opposite Beltane {May Day} in the Wheel of the year, which means the energy is ripe for connecting with and honoring our ancestors and the spirits of the Otherworld.

In terms of the Celtic calendar, it's the New Year. A time for reflection, for letting go of the old and invoking the new. A time to re-member who you are. A time, perhaps, for old layers to be shed, die, and allow the Earth to compost in order to birth the next layer of you. 

We'll explore the symbolism and energetics of Pumpkin, Hops, and Artemisia, and invite some profound connection with your ancestors. You'll have tools and opportunity to explore the death+rebirth aspect of the season of the Crone. And you'll receive potions to celebrate the beauty + potency of your own inner Crone.

Note: Samhain was the first time customers had the opportunity to choose which seasonal potions they wanted in their bundle. Each element had 2 options to create a customized Wild Medicine Bundle to celebrate Samhain.

The Samhain Wild Medicine Bundle contains:

  • Pumpkin Candle OR Owl Candle

  • Commune | Ritual Room + Body Mist OR Otherworld Herbal Cigarettes

  • Sleepy Hollow Herbal Tea OR All Souls Spiced Cocoa

  • Edgewalker Botanical Perfume OR Sunwise Coffee Scrub