Sacred Embodied Landing
13 Days of reclamation
We’ve all been there...
We sign up for a free course with the best of intentions. We tell ourselves we’re going to follow through and do every single part of it. That we’re going to completely devote ourselves each day to this practice {whatever it happens to be}.
But the thing is, many of us are good at being in our heads: thinking, analyzing, reading “how” to do something, but not always following through on doing that thing.
This course is intended to provide you with ways to connect with your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. To learn how to listen to this exquisite body more fully. Daily devotions that you will actually do. These activities provide portals for inquiry, for doing deeply embodied work, for uncovering and illuminating forgotten, lost, or disowned pieces of you.
What's included in your 13 day journey?
- 13 days of visionary + embodied guidance
- Membership in the Body as Sacred Facebook group
When do we start?
Anytime! You can begin whenever you're ready and go at your own pace.
What's your investment?
Your presence + devotion.
Remember: The more intention you infuse into these practices, the more powerful they are. The more you tend to your Self, the more you'll see that tending reflected back to you in surprising ways.
I believe in the power, but also the necessity of living an embodied life. I've seen firsthand for my clients as well as myself, the magic that comes from embracing + honing your incredible sensitivity and devoting yourself to your sacred bones, blood, heart, mind, and skin.