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Ostara 2019

Ostara 2019 Wild Medicine Bundle

The Ostara Medicine Bundle and e-book are inspired by the ocean and full of folk tales, medicine, and magic of the sea. We'll be exploring the tides and connection with the moon, our bodies' inner waters including blood + lymphatic support, your craniosacral rhythm, and what it feels like to listen deeply to your body's innate wisdom. The products in this bundle will aid in hydrating on many levels, as well as moving stagnation, and reconnecting to your fluid, nourished nature.

The plants you'll find in the Ostara bundles are seaweeds like Irish Moss and Wakame, as well as other moistening and lymphatic-supportive herbs such as Violet Leaf, Red Clover, Clary Sage, Calendula, and Geranium. 

The Ostara Wild Medicine Bundle contains:

  • Emerge | Ritual Room + Body Mist

  • Earth + Sea Facial Steam

  • Mystic Rose Twig Tea

  • Irish Moss + Violet Breast Oil

  • Crochet Egg Beeswax Candle

  • Morel Mushroom Beeswax Candle

  • Selkie Cleansing Balm

  • Ondine Purifying Face Mask