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Midsummer 2017

Midsummer 2017 Wild Medicine Bundle

The Midsummer Wild Medicine Bundle featured Wild Rose and Hibiscus: herbs to calm, cool, and soothe {heart} heat, as well as an overheated, overstimulated body and nervous system. With touches of Sandalwood, Vanilla, Amber, and Ginger. As Summer Solstice is a fire festival, the bundle will explore fire magic and the medicine that the element of fire brings. In Chinese medicine, fire is associated with the heart, so we'll explore the physical and energetic heart, what it means to "heal" the heart, and what role plants have in the process of re-membering ourselves.

The Midsummer 2017 Wild Medicine Bundle included:

  • Temple Rose Facial Serum
  • Wild Rose Hydrosol
  • Hibiscus + Rose Infused Honey
  • Rosy Cheeks Exfoliating Face Mask
  • Midsummer Night's Dream Herbal Tea

All photos by Krystal Thompson of Photography For Handmade Business