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Lughnasa 2018

Lughnasa 2018 Wild Medicine Bundle

The Celtic festival of Lughnasa marks the transition between summer and harvest season. It's a festival in honor of the Sun, light, and the crops, literal and metaphoric, that have been sown and will be gathered very soon. For the ancient Celts, August meant the goddess was in her Mother form, her womb producing berries, fruits, grains, and the most potent herbs. Her companion, the sun god, burns hot, fiery, and dry, and the Celts called him Lugh. 

The Lughnasa Wild Medicine Bundle is crafted with the first fruits of the harvest (Blackberries, Blueberries, Bilberries), garden herbs (Thyme, Hyssop, and Sage), and St. Joan's Wort, all associated with potent Solar magic!

The Lughnasa Wild Medicine Bundle contains:

  • SOL | Lemongrass + Thyme Candle
  • Glow | Ritual Room + Body Mist
  • Dancing at Lughnasa Herbal Tea
  • Helios Ritual Body Oil
  • First Fruits Cordial