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Imbolc 2019

Imbolc 2019 Wild Medicine Bundle

The Imbolc Wild Medicine Bundle is crafted in honor of Brigid, Irish goddess of hearth, healing, and fire and to welcome the beginning of Spring. A collection of embodied rituals to help you connect with your own spark, your inner fire goddess, and the energy of this season: clarity and conception. This is the time of year when seeds are planted, ideas are sparked, intentions are clarified. Now is when the ground beneath your feet begins to hum and buzz with life. How will you embody this energy? 

Botanically, this bundle is an exploration of aromatic nervines: Rosemary, Clary Sage, Thyme + Lavender, as well as bitters Blue Vervain and Motherwort to move stagnation and invoke clarity to your mind and body. Plants for nourishment, initiation, and awakening.

The Imbolc Wild Medicine Bundle contains:

  • Red Medium Pillar Beeswax Candle OR Eternal Flame Herbal Cigarettes (12-Pack)

  • Awaken | Ritual Room + Body Mist OR Claritas Perfume + Diffuser Oil

  • Brigid’s Brew | White Earl Grey OR Fire Keeper’s Elixir

  • Rosemary + Lavender Shower Lotion Stick OR Rosemary + Lavender Cleansing Grains