Embody Your Soul Sessions
We're all divine, mystical, energetic & magical beings.
As a result of trauma, experiences that have left us scarred, old patterning within our family, society, or culture, or just never learning how to trust your inner voice of intuition, we can be left feeling like something's missing.
Or that we don't fit into the environment around us.
Somewhere along the way, you may have lost connection with your heart. Your truth. The archetypal forces which guide you.
Maybe you feel like you're not fully embodying your magic. Your words. Your Soul.
But we're here to learn from each other. To learn from the conversations, experiences, coincidences and synchronicities that are surrounding us in our everyday lives...
Where do we find the Sacred in our lives?
- Allowing ourselves to be (lovingly) cracked open
- Breaking old patterns and creating new paradigms for the life we choose to live
- Navigating transitions with grace + ease
- Trusting + following our inner voice
- Developing our deep intuition
- Freeing ourselves from addictive behaviors
- LOVING our physical body and acknowledging it as sacred
- Uncovering your inner Wild Soul
These special 1-on-1 Skype sessions are designed to transform the places of pain, discomfort, trauma, and longing into your unique form of power and magic...
The tools we use may include:
- Mystical mentorship
- Tarot readings + archetypal work
- Shamanic journeying
- Plant medicine
- Embodied ritual
Eugene local? Come see me in person! I'll brew us some tea, burn some incense, and invite you to share in this work together.
How much do these sessions cost?
This work is priced on a sliding scale from $60-100. My intention is for this deep bodysoul work to be available to everyone who wants to enter in to the depths of their own heart, to awaken to their soul power, and to be of service to the world.
Because healing yourself not only affects the individual. When you heal aspects of yourself, and when you learn to trust your soul's wisdom, you begin to heal your community, family, even your bloodlines. I believe EVERYONE deserves to do this work, to be deeply witnessed and loved. I’m here to serve the Wild Mystics, those willing to go through this alchemical process in order to reclaim and embody their Soul.