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Embodied Yoga Mentorship

Embodied Yoga Mentorship

Here's what we'll focus on:

  • Business aspects of teaching yoga (making money on private sessions, website + copy writing, branding)
  • How to tap into + develop your unique-ness, your magic, your voice, to draw people to YOU and to your classes
  • Discovering what makes you different and what are your particular gifts
  • Hands-on + energetic assists
  • Inner Eye work + how to "see" your students
  • How to find balance in your life between teaching yoga, perhaps working another job, personal relationships, and taking care of yourself in the process

Your Mentorship will include:

  • Attendance at your class once/month with a meeting to follow with constructive feedback
  • 1 additional meeting to go over progress and see what's working + what isn't
  • Individualized homework, or Playwork as I like to call it 
  • Discounted rate ($60) for Shamanic Craniosacral Sessions
  • 15% off Wild Grace Apothecary
  • Monthly small group gathering (you and 1 or 2 other people I'm mentoring) to discuss common things that come up and general questions you guys have. This is an opportunity to share your wisdom with one another! Plus, lovingly-blended tea and community :)

The investment is $55/month with a 3 month commitment

We can of course continue after those 3 months, but the initial 3 months will be a great introduction. The intention behind this mentorship is to give you tools and confidence for guiding and holding space from a place of knowing your own power in both group and private sessions. Soooo looking forward to seeing your journey continue to unfold!

If this is a YES for you, fill out the application below: