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Beltane 2019

Beltane 2019 Wild Medicine Bundle

The Beltane Wild Medicine Bundle explores Sacred Union, Bee Medicine, the idea of Beauty, Love, Fertility, and elemental Fire. 

It is about restoring the Feminine + Masculine within, what fertility means in a metaphoric, poetic, and soul sense, and receiving the sweetness + beauty of life. You'll receive potions to restore the Sacred Union within, your innate enough-ness, and explore the idea of love and beauty. Plants + scents you'll find in this bundle include Neroli, Honey, Hawthorn Flower, Damiana, Elderflower, and Geranium.

The Beltane Wild Medicine Bundle contains:

  • Heart Pillar Beeswax Candle

  • Bloom | Ritual Room + Body Mist

  • The Lovers | Botanical Perfume

  • Flower Fae Herbal Tea

  • The Lovers | Herbal Cocoa

  • Spring Rites | Herbal Cigarettes

  • Blue Chamomile Cleansing Oil

  • Heartbeat Elixir