Beltane 2017
Beltane 2017 Wild Medicine Bundle
The Beltane {May Day} Wild Medicine Bundle is crafted from Elder Flower + Mint. Fresh, floral, green. Whisperings of life after death. Rebirth and renewal. A renaissance of the spirit and the height of the Spring as we slide into Summer. Beltane is an ancient Celtic fertility festival. Earth energies are at their strongest, and life is bursting forth on all levels, both physical (this is a fertility rite after all) as well as spiritual and energetic. This is the Green Marriage, when we marry ourselves to the Earth and commit to our endeavors. It is about sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality, and joy. It's about conception: a brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes, and dreams into action. And to have fun!
The beltane 2017 wild medicine bundle included:
- Elderflower Hydrosol
- Earth Magic Massage Oil
- Flower Fae Herbal Tea
- Mint Hydrosol
- Spring Rites Smoking + Incense Blend
Photos taken by Krystal Thompson at Photography for Handmade Business